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Hep.GG Notifier Settings

Hep.GG Notifier features a variety of global settings to allow you to tailor your experience, these options are outlined below.

Muting Notifications

Allows you to mute notifications for a set duration, or indefinitely, affecting all topics (unless overriden).

Simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, and open the Mute Notifications panel.
From here, you can temporarily or permanently mute notifications from the app.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Mute HighlightAndroid Device Global Mute Example

Minimum Priority

Allows you to mute notifications for a set a minimum priority for you to be notified for, affecting all topics (unless overriden).

Simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, and open the Minimum Priority panel.
From here, you can set your desired minimum priority.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Priority HighlightAndroid Device Priority Example

Downloading Attachments

Allows you to set your preferences of what size files should be auto-downloaded when sent from a topic.

Simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, and open the Download Attachments panel.
From here, you can set your desired maximum file size, or none at all.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings File HighlightAndroid Device File Example

Auto-Deletion of Notifications

Allows you to set a time when to automatically delete previous notifications, if at all (unless overriden).

Simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, and open the Delete Notifications panel.
From here, you can set auto-deletion time, or keep notifications forever.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Auto-Del HighlightAndroid Device Auto-Del Example

Keep Alerting for High Priority

Allows you to configure whether high-priority notifications should keep alerting you, or only alert once (unless overriden).

Simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, and tap Keep Alerting for Highest Priority.
This will toggle between either only alerting you once, or repeatedly.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Keep Alerting Highlight

Channel Settings

Channel settings simply directs you to your phones notification settings, for Hep.GG notifier.

This allows you to customise whether the app bypasses Do Not Disturb, or if you want to change the notification sound, among other options.

Simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, and press Channel Settings.
This will then redirect you to your devices settings menu.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Channel Highlight

Backup and Restore Options

Backing Up Your Data

Hep.GG Notifier allows you to backup your data, in case you ever need to restore it to a new device.

To backup your data, simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, scroll down, and press Back Up To File.
This will then open a submenu, where you can choose to either everything, settings only, or everything besides users.

This will then save your backup into a file on your device.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Backup HighlightAndroid Device Backup Menu Example

Restoring Your Data

If you have previously backed up your data, you can restore it using the file created from the previous step.

To restore your data, simply tap the menu in the top right of the home page, scroll down, and press Restore From File.
This will then open the file manager on your device, allowing you to select the backup file.

Once selected, this will then restore your previously backed up settings onto your app.

Android Main Settings Menu HighlightAndroid Notifier Settings Restore Highlight