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Config Options

DJ Roles

DJ Roles allow server admins to give roles that can use the Force option on commands, bypassing the normal restrictions.

Adding DJ Roles

To add a DJ role to a server, you can use /config djs add [Role], this will give everyone with that role Force permissions.

Adding DJ Role

Removing DJ Roles

To remove an added DJ role from a server, you can use /config djs remove [Role].

Removing DJ Role

Checking DJ Roles

Need to see which roles have DJ permissions? You can use /config djs list and Zira Music will provide a list of all of the DJ roles.

Listing DJ Roles

Nonstop Playback


This is a Premium feature of Zira Music, it will not work if your server does not have Zira Premium, which you can purchase here.

Zira Music supports nonstop playback of a fixed playlist! This means that Zira will remain within the voice channel even if nobody is within it. You can use the commands below to enable/disable the nonstop playback feature.

/nonstop start [Channel] [Playlist]
/nonstop stop

Haven't created your personal Playlist yet? Follow our guide to create one here!

Manual Join and Leave Commands

You can manually tell Zira Music to join and leave a voice channel by using the commands below.


If Zira Music is already within a voice channel when these commands are used, it will not work unless you use the Force option.

Manually a Voice Channel

To ask Zira Music to join a voice channel, you can use the commands below. The current command will ask Zira Music to join the voice channel that you are currently in.

/join current [Force]
/join channel [Channel] [Force]

Manually Leaving a Voice Channel

To ask Zira Music to leave it's current voice channel, you can use the command below. This will not work unless you are within the same channel, unless you use the Force option.

/leave [Force]


You can enable/disable whether Zira Music sends a message once it starts playing a new song within the queue using the commands below. You can view an example of a notification message below.

Notification Message

/config notify [True/False]