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Creating Applications

Application Creation Guide

Setup your applications in 1, 2, 3! That easy!

Step 1 - Create it!

Use the a/app create command to trigger an application creation guide.

app create dialogue

Step 2 - Add Questions!

Now you need to add questions! Use a/app questions add to be guided adding questions to the application you just created (AppBot selected it for you!)


You can have up to 10 questions as a free server. With premium, you have unlimited.

question added example

Step 3 - Enable It!

Use the a/app enable <ShortID> command to enable the application! This will let users use the a/apply [ShortID] to apply to the application.


After creating the application, AppBot already selects the application for you. If you are wanting to a/app disable/enable different applications, you would have to use a/app select <ShortID> to select it.

enable example

Additional Information


You can use a/app post <channelID> to post your newly created application for users to use an interactive message!